BRU white and gold machine with a brewed cup of tea next to a sketch.

Hello there!

Do you want to drink great tea without the hassle? We get it. We believe making tea can be done more convenient, consistent and sustainable. We are your friend in tea. We are BRU.

2737 B.C.

As legend has it, a servant of the Chinese emperor Shen Nun was boiling water under a tree for the emperor to drink. Some leaves fell into the boiling water. The emperor decided to drink it anyway and as such he had the first cup of tea ever made.


the first electric kettle was introduced.


The first automatic kettle arrived on the market.


Tea lover and engineer Bogdan Krinitchko was looking for an efficient and more sustainable way to make his tea. But there had been no real innovation on the tea maker market since 1956. How could it be that we were still standing around and waiting for the water to boil and then waiting again for our tea to steep? Unable to find any good alternatives, Bogdan decided to develop the perfect tea machine himself.

Let’s BRU it ourselves

We took our idea of the ultimate tea machine, and worked together with experienced industrial designers and engineers through many prototypes to make it a reality. The result was the BRU Maker One, the intuitive and customizable tea maker, that will have you making perfect cups of tea in no time.

Our core principles

The BRU Maker One is not just a tea maker. It’s also an idea about how tea making should be.


There are enough things one must learn. Something so enjoyable as a good cup of tea should not be one of them.

With the BRU Maker One we want to simplify your life and support you towards enjoying tea even more.

The importance of using the right water temperature, amount and steeping time often goes underappreciated, even though this has a big influence on the taste of your tea. Mastering these factors can be a hassle and require specific knowledge.

But with the BRU Maker One, anybody (from absolute beginner to experienced tea connoisseur) can enjoy the best of tea. Moreover, it works with any kind of tea.


Tea is one of the most drunk beverages in the world, but people tend to boil twice as much water as they use, which is a significant waste of time, energy, water and money globally. The UK alone could be needlessly wasting around 3,500 tonnes of CO2 every day.

The BRU Maker One only heats the amount of water needed for each cup of tea, at the temperature of your choosing - a smart solution that takes better care of our resources.

We want to drive sustainability within the industry and try to choose materials and products which are sustainable long term.


When making a cup of tea by hand, the intensity, bitterness, temperature… can vary from cup to cup. Often it is hard to put a finger on why it tastes different.

The BRU Maker One puts the control back in your hands. Save temperature, amount and steeping time settings to be consistent with every brewing cycle, and drink your tea just the way you like it.

Every. Single. Time.